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Hello world ,

This is an article about relationships. What do you feel about long distance relationship? Well I feel a long distance relationship requires more attention than when your boyfriend / girlfriend lives in the same place as you do. Is it really enough to communicate through mails and phones ? Well for some folks it works for them and others it really doesn't . I believe both persons need to spend time together to be sure they are right for each other .
A successful relationship takes hard work.  Nothing in life comes easy even love . You need to have a first- hand knowledge of the person you are dating . That's if you really want  to discover who your soul mate is . For you to know if a person is right for you or not entails prayers ,studying the person in different situations over a period of time and discovering for yourself the individual beliefs,values ,life style,weakness and strength.

Dating is not just a time for romance or sex .........
you need to ask relevant questions . The information you get enables you to determine if you are meant for each other or not .
I wish we all find true love that is permanent.  For those lucky ones that are opportune enough to find their soul mate ,make sure you keep that love alive and burning "wink wink "

Any who what do I know right ? ' Laughing ' At the end .
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