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It's a Pink Wednesday w/ Mwah! Bobbie Gum

Happy Wednesday Ladies!

And because it's Wednesday, i will show you guys a very cute pink nail polish today, it's another Mwah! nail polish, and i'm really sure that you will like it.. ;)

Here is Mwah! Bobbie Gum..
This one is a very cute nude nail polish :)

Mwah! Bobbie Gum is a very light pink nail polish filled with silver micro shimmer, too bad the camera didn't caught even a tiny bit of the shimmer effect.
On my nails are 3 medium coats of bobbie gum, this nail polish is super sheer, formula is a bit watery, but still application went smoothly.

More pics...
these are taken indoors with flash..

These are taken outdoors, under direct sunlight..

This one, taken outdoors, under the shade..

And another batch of photos taken indoors with flash..

And that's it for today, hope you guys liked it,
please don't forget to leave your comments, i love to read and answer all of them.

Till next time,


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