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Winter Proof your Skin

Hi guys ! The latest issue of Lapelle is out, and Dr Bradley Wagemaker, Medical Director, of Lamelle Research Laboratories  gives some awesome tips to winter proof your skin. 

Click here to read the latest issue - Issue 5
Afraid the season will take its toll? Here are a few good and proper vitamins, nutrients, herbs and health products that can help take the sting out of winter

The information in this article should not be taken as medical advice. Always talk to your GP before taking a new supplement.

1. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is enjoying its time in the sun, so to speak, as recent research has confirmed its importance for our overall health. It is essential for calcium absorption, (and thus for bone growth and density). It improves the functioning of the nervous system and the heart and can even speed up muscle recovery and improve the bodys immune response. It can also boost your mood and help with the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, or the winter blues).

Lamelle Research Laboratories offers Ovelle D3 as a Vitamin D supplement that also improves the health of your skin.

Ovelle D3
We get Vitamin D3 from the sun by spending 15 to 20 minutes per week in the sun without sunblock on. But do any of us want to risk that kind of sun exposure?

And, unless you eat about half a kilogram of salmon or eggs in a week, youre not going to get enough vitamin D from your food.

The best way to make sure youre getting enough of this star vitamin is by taking a daily supplement. Lamelle Research Laboratories has added Vitamin D3 to their Ovelle supplement, which uses the anti-oxidant Pycnogenol to reduce premature skin ageing. Pycnogenolis a patented formulation of Pine Bark Extract with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been scientifically proven to improve skin elasticity and to improve skin quality in older women. Ovelle has also been proven to reduce the symptoms of menopause. So taking Ovelle D3 will not only ensure you get enough Vitamin D3, it will also give you smoother, stronger, healthier skin while boosting your overall wellbeing.

Speak to your skincare specialist today to start taking Lamelles Ovelle D3.

2. Vitamin E and Omega-3
Winter can be very harsh on our skin. The decreased humidity, the fact that we tend to drink less water than in summer, and problems with circulation that resurface when the weather is cold all lead to our skin drying out. To support circulation and the health of your skin, take Vitamin E and Omega-3 supplements every day in winter. These will soften, soothe and protect your skin.

3. Vitamin C
While high doses of Vitamin C might not have any effect on the duration or severity of colds (despite what many of us have been told), it is still vital for strengthening the immune system. It is an antioxidant that helps to maintain bones and blood vessels and helps the body absorb iron. And, as a bonus, it assists in the formation of collagen, so its great for the skin, too.

4. Echinacea
The celebrity of the herbal supplements industry, Echinacea has antioxidant and antibiotic properties that may help to prevent the common cold. The supplement is made from parts of the flowering Echinacea plant, and some studies have shown that taking it daily increases the number of white blood cells and boosts the immune system.

5. Zinc
Zinc is essential for the functioning of the immune system, and may also treat symptoms of the common cold if you take it as soon as symptoms begin. Zinc is an effective treatment for a wide range of illnesses, from diarrhea to stomach ulcers.

6. Probiotics
The bacteria in our gut help us to digest our food and recently scientists have found a link between these goodbacteria (known as probiotics) and the immune system. Increasing your intake of probiotics will not only aid your digestion, it may also improve the functioning of your immune system, meaning better defences against cold-weather illnesses.

7. Iron
If youre feeling lethargic and run-down thanks to the darkness and chill of winter, increasing your intake of iron can help to fight fatigue. Iron is necessary for your body to make red blood cells, which transport oxygen all over your body. A bit of extra iron can improve your energy levels and your intellectual performance. But dont go overboard having too much iron in your system is very bad for your liver and can even lead to diabetes.

For further info visit www.lamelle.co.za or see our latest issue of Lapelle  www.lapelle.co.za

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