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You may remember I posted something a while ago about the proposal of an Abercrombie and Fitch store on Saville Row in London. People were not happy about it - the store not my post!

But yesterday a protest took place for the same reason - they are still unhappy. To be fair, they have a point. Saville Row is the home of bespoke tailoring and some of the greats have started their careers there like Alexander McQueen back in the day.

So the staff of the various tailoring shops took to the streets in their finest to protest the American chain store opening.

'Savile Row has been the home of bespoke tailoring in England for over 200 years. It is one of the few streets anywhere in the country to remain exclusively devoted to a single trade. Allowing Abercrombie & Fitch to open a store there will irreversibly alter the character of the Row and destroy its old-world charm. We believe that there are already enough streets in London and the whole country full of global chain stores selling casual wear at inflated prices, so why should Savile Row go the same way as Oxford Street, Regent Street et al? There is already a branch of Abercrombie & Fitch on Burlington Gardens, on the corner of Savile Row, and tailors have complained of the queues of eager European tourists cluttering up the pavements and putting themselves at risk from oncoming traffic, in their excitement at the thought of buying a ladies’ T-shirt saying “Who Needs a Brain When You’ve Got These?'

I don't understand how A&F propose to build on a site like this. The saville Row client is a million miles away from wanting chain store comfy clothing such as the stuff they sell. Its a bit odd....okay so its very odd.....

I am loving however, the sharp tailoring, the 1940s tweed on the ladies AND the slogan which says it all 'Give Three Piece a Chance.' Brilliant.

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