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Week 171: A Taste of Lazy and an Appetite for the Embrace

Weekly Written Review 

I originally thought my flight was Monday night but a last minute double check corrected my plans. In the mist of Sunday I had to speed up errands, pack and head out for the flight. Now the home getaway I've been feening for has finally arrived. I wish it was a full vacation but maybe in another life time. Much planning for season 3 (The Late Night Experiment) co-existed. However, being lazy wasn't neglected, I didn't waste any type to open my storage room and dust off my Xbox 360. I only get to play video games once a year right now. That better change in 2014. Last year was Gears of War 3 and Call of Duty. This year is Halo 4 and NBA Jam - On Fire Edition. Sleep has been good, food has been great and watching cable tv also added a nice touch.

I'm glad to be home. I'm more so glad for the new state of development running through my veins. I've been deeply thinking about my current situation, late night television and nationalism. It was within this week I realized how I will make 2014 different. How I'm going to change my state of mind, body and soul. I started doing pushing up's (again, its been a very long time since I've been this consistent) and preparing my mind of the long awaited Hollywood embrace.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

* Last minute errands

* Dropped off memory card to Kevin B.

* Arrived at LAX and received a deluxe TSA search

Monday, December 23, 2013

* Arrived in Tampa.

* Started re-dumping old Wide aWoke Wednesday's footage.

* Pan African Film Festival declined Late-Night Jelly. Its certainly not the results you want to end out the year with. Someone was briefly scooped from inside of me but I'll need a trillion and one more declines before I let that hold me down.

* Started doing push up again...

* Xbox 360 pick up

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Ma getting Christmas dinner ready. 
* Attended a African Party with Sani

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

* Merry Christmas

Christmas Dinner
Thursday, December 26, 2013

* Errands

* Pam house. aka Pam Chrome Cast

* I returned my Ma's original gift and got her a rice pot

Friday, December 27, 2013

* Phone calls...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

* Shooting season 3 with J-Phil

Motown Maurice, Lady and J-Phil at the Season 3 shooting. 

Motown Maurice & Sani after the season 3 shooting. Thanks for the help Sani. 
Final Thoughts 

The importance of this week is streaming in my blood. I'm going back to LA far more powerful than ever. I have much to express but I'm going to save it for my farewell to 2013 post.

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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