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Guest Room Updates

Forgive the icky nighttime lighting, but I wanted to share a peek at changes we've made to the guest room! Here is what it looked like shortly after we moved in two years ago, and after I reorganized the office portion of the room.

Since then, big changes have been afoot in the guest room. I decided to get rid of our futon after the wedding because we just rarely had need for it. Then we bought the china cabinet and our bookcase, which had been in the dining area, needed a new home. After ruminating on the layout for a while, Sean finally convinced me to pull the bed out from the wall, so we moved stuff around and are now working with a much more functional layout.

I wanted to unify the room a bit more without spending a lot of money, so I decided to take these white ceramic lamps that Sean inherited from his parents and pair them with SUPER CHEAP black shades from Target. Is anything more chic than a black shade?

I also moved my silhouette collection in there; as you can see, one of them is still waiting to get a frame. I am a haphazard nailer, so things are never quite straight. Don't hate!

I was perusing the antique mall not long ago and came across a vintage convex frame that was empty. I scooped it right up and printed out a copy of our silhouettes from our wedding invitations, with our name and our wedding date. I used the ribbon from my wedding bouquet to hang it; it's a great wedding reminder that I expect to have always.

Which reminds me: Using antique frames for your newer pieces is a great way to add interest to a wall. I spot neglected empty frames all the time, especially at thrift stores, so keep your eyes out. They especially lend a little prestige to wedding pics, in my opinion!

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